April 3, 2010

Why RSS ?

RSS Button
RSS (Really Simple Syndication)  is a format used to show titles or headlines from a website/ blog, instead of downloading all homepage content every day, RSS allows you to see if there are any updates with one click!

RSS is a good way to drive returning traffic to your blog, it make it much more easier for visitors to stay updated with your blog entries .

I use an amazing way to stay updated, learning and driving traffic to my blog using RSS feeds, of course not the only one using this way but i'm sure there are some bloggers who don't know the benefits of that, and what i do is like that:

  • Once every day i search in google for blogs from the same topic or something similar, i take one blog and if it is interesting, i subscribe to the RSS feed (the RSS is the orange button appearing in the right tab in this blog).
  • Every morning ( with a cup of coffee ) i check out these blogs and if there are any updates i read it.
  • After reading, i leave my comment /  question.

Today i have 15 blogs RSS subscribtions, and using comments only, i drive about 35 quality visitors per day and the number is increasing.

In order to create your own RSS for your blog visit this site or simply type "how to creat rss button" in google.

In the next post i will review an amazing book that talks about blogging, so don't miss and subscribe for my feed!

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